Below is our 2024 theme song by Rend Collective titled: “Don’t Look Back”4
Matthew 5:16
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. NKJV
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. NKJV
Is your walk with the Lord EXHILARATING? Do you need some encouragement? Do you need a NEW BEGINNING?
If you don’t already attend a GREAT CHURCH where there is an EXCITEMENT in the air and a PASSION for Christ, we’d love to have you in our services at West Republic Baptist Church this Sunday!

Pastor Chris Beck is the pastor of West Republic Baptist Church (WRBC). Beck is a graduate of Republic High School, and he is married to his best friend, Dana, who is a retired public school teacher and who now teaches as an adjunct professor at Baptist Bible College. They have a son, Lincoln, who is already in heaven. He was three years old when he left this world for the next.
Pastor Chris is excited about the ministry at WRBC. “God is doing great things at our church,”
Chris says. “In this fast-paced technological society, people are looking for something solid, something true, something lasting. We’re excited to share the hope that we have–and that they can have– in Christ with our community!”
Chris has a background in Christian broadcasting and Communication. After graduation from RHS, he graduated from Baptist Bible College with a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Theology. Subsequently, Pastor Chris earned a Master’s degree in Communication from Southwest Missouri State University and, in 2004, our pastor earned a Ph.D. at Regent University in Virginia.
Pastor Chris also serves as the chair of the General Education Division of Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, training people who are preparing to serve the Lord in various areas of ministry.
At West Republic Baptist Church (WRBC) we believe the place to go for the answers to life’s questions is God’s Word–the Bible. If you want to know God’s will for you life, you will not find it apart from His Word. It is God’s account of reality. It is His love letter to us! It is the place to find hope, wisdom, and direction in life! It is POWERFUL! May God’s speak to your heart through His Word as you listen to the teaching/preaching from Pastor Chris here!
This is just a recent sampling of messages from WRBC’s own Pastor Chris. For more, visit our Facebook page and see additional messages
I’m Dreaming of a RIGHT Christmas! (Transformed Christmas Series Sermon #1)
Have Yourself a Mary-Like Little Christmas! (Transformed Christmas Series Sermon #2)
He Sees You When You’re Sleeping! (Transformed Christmas Series Sermon #3)
You’re a Mean One . . . ! – Why are some people such Grinches when it comes to Christ? (Transformed Christmas Series Sermon #4)
We would love to see you at WRBC for one of our services. If you’re not in the area, you may view our online service at 10:45 on YouTube and Facebook.
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